2.4. RQL usecases#

2.4.2. Use of RQL in Card documents - ReST#

With a CubicWeb instance supporting object types with ReST content (for example Card), one can build content based on RQL queries as dynamic documents.

For this, use the rql and rql-table ReST directive, for more information about custom ReST directives head over to the sphinx documentation which uses them extensively.

2.4.3. rql directive#

The rql directive takes as input an RQL expression and a view to apply to the result.

For example, create a Card content by opening http://cubicweb_example.org/add/Card and add the following content, as an example : a table of blog entries (10 most recent blog entries table with user and date information)

Recent blog entries

:rql:`Any B,U,D ORDERBY D DESC LIMIT 10 WHERE B is BlogEntry, B title T, B creation_date D, B created_by U:table`

2.4.4. rql-table directive#

rql-table enables more customization, enabling you to modify the column (header) contents, and the view applied for a specific column (colvids).

For example, create a Card content by opening http://cubicweb_example.org/add/Card and add the following content

Blog entries with rql-table

.. rql-table::
   :vid: table
   :headers: Title with link, who wrote it, at what date
   :colvids: 1=sameetypelist

   Any B,U,D ORDERBY D DESC LIMIT 10 WHERE B is BlogEntry, B title T, B creation_date D, B created_by U

All fields but the RQL string are optional. The :headers: option can contain empty column names.


2.4.5. Use in python projects and CLI#

cwclientlib enables you to use RQL in your python projects using only web requests. This project also provides a remote command line interface (CLI) you can use to replace a server side cubicweb-ctl shell.

2.4.6. Use in JavaScript/React components#

cwclientelements is a library of reusable React components for building web application with cubicweb and RQL.