Starting from CubicWeb version 4.0 all code related to generating html views has been moved to the Cube cubicweb_web.
If you want to migrate a project from 3.38 to 4.* while still using all the
html views you need to both install the cubicweb_web cube AND add it to
your dependencies and run add_cube('web')
cubicweb_web can be installed from pypi this way:
pip install cubicweb_web
We donât plan to maintain the features in cubicweb_web in the long run; we are moving to a full javascript frontend using both cubicweb_api (which exposes a HTTP API) and @cubicweb/client as a frontend javascript toolkit.
In the long run cubicweb_api will be merged inside of CubicWeb.
The Request class (cubicweb_web.request)#
A request instance is created when an HTTP request is sent to the web server. It contains informations such as form parameters, authenticated user, etc. It is a very prevalent object and is used throughout all of the framework and applications, as youâll access to almost every resources through it.
A request represents a user query, either through HTTP or not (we also talk about RQL queries on the server side for example).
Here is a non-exhaustive list of attributes and methods available on request objects (grouped by category):
Browser control:
ie_browser: tells if the browser belong to the Internet Explorer family
User and identification:
user, instance of cubicweb.entities.authobjs.CWUser corresponding to the authenticated user
Session data handling
session.data is the dictionary of the session data; it can be manipulated like an ordinary Python dictionary
Edition (utilities for edition control):
cancel_edition: resets error url and cleans up pending operations
create_entity: utility to create an entity (from an etype, attributes and relation values)
datadir_url: returns the url to the merged external resources (CubicWebâs web/data directory plus all data directories of used cubes)
edited_eids: returns the list of eids of entities that are edited under the current http request
eid_rset(eid): utility which returns a result set from an eid
entity_from_eid(eid): returns an entity instance from the given eid
encoding: returns the encoding of the current HTTP request
ensure_ro_rql(rql): ensure some rql query is a data request
form, dictionary containing the values of a web form
encoding, character encoding to use in the response
authmode: returns a string describing the authentication mode (http, cookie, âŠ)
lang: returns the user agents/browserâs language as carried by the http request
demote_to_html(): in the context of an XHTML compliant browser, this will force emission of the response as an HTML document (using the http content negociation)
Cookies handling
get_cookie(), returns a dictionary containing the value of the header HTTP âCookieâ
set_cookie(cookie, key, maxage=300), adds a header HTTP Set-Cookie, with a minimal 5 minutes length of duration by default (maxage = None returns a session cookie which will expire when the user closes the browser window)
remove_cookie(cookie, key), forces a value to expire
URL handling
build_url(__vid, *args, **kwargs): return an absolute URL using params dictionary key/values as URL parameters. Values are automatically URL quoted, and the publishing method to use may be specified or will be guessed.
build_url_params(**kwargs): returns a properly prepared (quoted, separators, âŠ) string from the given parameters
url(), returns the full URL of the HTTP request
base_url(), returns the root URL of the web application
relative_path(), returns the relative path of the request
Web resource (.css, .js files, etc.) handling:
add_css(cssfiles): adds the given list of css resources to the current html headers
add_js(jsfiles): adds the given list of javascript resources to the current html headers
add_onload(jscode): inject the given jscode fragment (a unicode string) into the current html headers, wrapped inside a document.ready(âŠ) or another ajax-friendly one-time trigger event
add_header(header, values): adds the header/value pair to the current html headers
status_out: control the HTTP status of the response
And moreâŠ
set_content_type(content_type, filename=None), adds the header HTTP âContent-Typeâ
get_header(header), returns the value associated to an arbitrary header of the HTTP request
set_header(header, value), adds an arbitrary header in the response
execute(*args, **kwargs), executes an RQL query and return the result set
property_value(key), properties management (CWProperty)
dictionary data to store data to share informations between components while a request is executed
Please note that this class is abstract and that a concrete implementation will be provided by the frontend web used. For the views or others that are executed on the server side, most of the interface of Request is defined in the session associated to the client.
The elements we gave in overview for above are built in three layers,
from cubicweb.req.RequestSessionBase
, cubicweb.repoapi.Connection