.. include:: ../warning.rst Table views ----------- .. automodule:: cubicweb_web.views.tableview Example ``````` Let us take an example from the timesheet cube: .. sourcecode:: python class ActivityResourcesTable(EntityView): __regid__ = 'activity.resources.table' __select__ = is_instance('Activity') def call(self, showresource=True): eids = ','.join(str(row[0]) for row in self.cw_rset) rql = ('Any R,D,DUR,WO,DESCR,S,A, SN,RT,WT ORDERBY D DESC ' 'WHERE ' ' A is Activity, A done_by R, R title RT, ' ' A diem D, A duration DUR, ' ' A done_for WO, WO title WT, ' ' A description DESCR, A in_state S, S name SN, ' ' A eid IN (%s)' % eids) rset = self._cw.execute(rql) self.wview('resource.table', rset, 'null') class ResourcesTable(RsetTableView): __regid__ = 'resource.table' # notice you may wish a stricter selector to check rql's shape __select__ = is_instance('Resource') # my table headers headers = ['Resource', 'diem', 'duration', 'workpackage', 'description', 'state'] # I want a table where attributes are editable (reledit inside) finalvid = 'editable-final' cellvids = {3: 'editable-final'} # display facets and actions with a menu layout_args = {'display_filter': 'top', 'add_view_actions': None} To obtain an editable table, you may specify the 'editable-table' view identifier using some of `cellvids`, `finalvid` or `nonfinalvid`. The previous example results in: .. image:: ../../../images/views-table-shadow.png In order to activate table filter mechanism, the `display_filter` option is given as a layout argument. A small arrow will be displayed at the table's top right corner. Clicking on `show filter form` action, will display the filter form as below: .. image:: ../../../images/views-table-filter-shadow.png By the same way, you can display additional actions for the selected entities by setting `add_view_actions` layout option to `True`. This will add actions returned by the view's :meth:`~cubicweb_web.views.tableview.TableMixIn.table_actions`. You can notice that all columns of the result set are not displayed. This is because of given `headers`, implying to display only columns from 0 to len(headers). Also Notice that the `ResourcesTable` view relies on a particular rql shape (which is not ensured by the way, the only checked thing is that the result set contains instance of the `Resource` type). That usually implies that you can't use this view for user specific queries (e.g. generated by facets or typed manually). So another option would be to write this view using :class:`~cubicweb_web.views.tableview.EntityTableView`, as below. .. sourcecode:: python class ResourcesTable(EntityTableView): __regid__ = 'resource.table' __select__ = is_instance('Resource') # table columns definition columns = ['resource', 'diem', 'duration', 'workpackage', 'description', 'in_state'] # I want a table where attributes are editable (reledit inside) finalvid = 'editable-final' # display facets and actions with a menu layout_args = {'display_filter': 'top', 'add_view_actions': None} def workpackage_cell(entity): activity = entity.reverse_done_in[0] activity.view('reledit', rtype='done_for', role='subject', w=w) def workpackage_sortvalue(entity): activity = entity.reverse_done_in[0] return activity.done_for[0].sortvalue() column_renderers = { 'resource': MainEntityColRenderer(), 'workpackage': EntityTableColRenderer( header='Workpackage', renderfunc=workpackage_cell, sortfunc=workpackage_sortvalue,), 'in_state': EntityTableColRenderer( renderfunc=lambda w,x: w(x.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').printable_state), sortfunc=lambda x: x.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').printable_state), } Notice the following point: * `cell_(w, entity)` will be searched for rendering the content of a cell. If not found, `column` is expected to be an attribute of `entity`. * `cell_sortvalue_(entity)` should return a typed value to use for javascript sorting or None for not sortable columns (the default). * The :func:`etable_entity_sortvalue` decorator will set a 'sortvalue' function for the column containing the main entity (the one given as argument to all methods), which will call `entity.sortvalue()`. * You can set a column header using the :func:`etable_header_title` decorator. This header will be translated. If it's not an already existing msgid, think to mark it using `_()` (the example supposes headers are schema defined msgid). Pro/cons of each approach ````````````````````````` :class:`EntityTableView` and :class:`RsetableView` provides basically the same set of features, though they don't share the same properties. Let's try to sum up pro and cons of each class. * `EntityTableView` view is: - more verbose, but usually easier to understand - easily extended (easy to add/remove columns for instance) - doesn't rely on a particular rset shape. Simply give it a title and will be listed in the 'possible views' box if any. * `RsetTableView` view is: - hard to beat to display barely a result set, or for cases where some of `headers`, `displaycols` or `cellvids` could be defined to enhance the table while you don't care about e.g. pagination or facets. - hardly extensible, as you usually have to change places where the view is called to modify the RQL (hence the view's result set shape).