.. include:: warning.rst The `Request` class (`cubicweb_web.request`) -------------------------------------------- Overview ```````` A request instance is created when an HTTP request is sent to the web server. It contains informations such as form parameters, authenticated user, etc. It is a very prevalent object and is used throughout all of the framework and applications, as you'll access to almost every resources through it. **A request represents a user query, either through HTTP or not (we also talk about RQL queries on the server side for example).** Here is a non-exhaustive list of attributes and methods available on request objects (grouped by category): * `Browser control`: * `ie_browser`: tells if the browser belong to the Internet Explorer family * `User and identification`: * `user`, instance of `cubicweb.entities.authobjs.CWUser` corresponding to the authenticated user * `Session data handling` * `session.data` is the dictionary of the session data; it can be manipulated like an ordinary Python dictionary * `Edition` (utilities for edition control): * `cancel_edition`: resets error url and cleans up pending operations * `create_entity`: utility to create an entity (from an etype, attributes and relation values) * `datadir_url`: returns the url to the merged external resources (|cubicweb|'s `web/data` directory plus all `data` directories of used cubes) * `edited_eids`: returns the list of eids of entities that are edited under the current http request * `eid_rset(eid)`: utility which returns a result set from an eid * `entity_from_eid(eid)`: returns an entity instance from the given eid * `encoding`: returns the encoding of the current HTTP request * `ensure_ro_rql(rql)`: ensure some rql query is a data request * etype_rset * `form`, dictionary containing the values of a web form * `encoding`, character encoding to use in the response * `HTTP` * `authmode`: returns a string describing the authentication mode (http, cookie, ...) * `lang`: returns the user agents/browser's language as carried by the http request * `demote_to_html()`: in the context of an XHTML compliant browser, this will force emission of the response as an HTML document (using the http content negociation) * `Cookies handling` * `get_cookie()`, returns a dictionary containing the value of the header HTTP 'Cookie' * `set_cookie(cookie, key, maxage=300)`, adds a header HTTP `Set-Cookie`, with a minimal 5 minutes length of duration by default (`maxage` = None returns a *session* cookie which will expire when the user closes the browser window) * `remove_cookie(cookie, key)`, forces a value to expire * `URL handling` * `build_url(__vid, *args, **kwargs)`: return an absolute URL using params dictionary key/values as URL parameters. Values are automatically URL quoted, and the publishing method to use may be specified or will be guessed. * `build_url_params(**kwargs)`: returns a properly prepared (quoted, separators, ...) string from the given parameters * `url()`, returns the full URL of the HTTP request * `base_url()`, returns the root URL of the web application * `relative_path()`, returns the relative path of the request * `Web resource (.css, .js files, etc.) handling`: * `add_css(cssfiles)`: adds the given list of css resources to the current html headers * `add_js(jsfiles)`: adds the given list of javascript resources to the current html headers * `add_onload(jscode)`: inject the given jscode fragment (a unicode string) into the current html headers, wrapped inside a document.ready(...) or another ajax-friendly one-time trigger event * `add_header(header, values)`: adds the header/value pair to the current html headers * `status_out`: control the HTTP status of the response * `And more...` * `set_content_type(content_type, filename=None)`, adds the header HTTP 'Content-Type' * `get_header(header)`, returns the value associated to an arbitrary header of the HTTP request * `set_header(header, value)`, adds an arbitrary header in the response * `execute(*args, **kwargs)`, executes an RQL query and return the result set * `property_value(key)`, properties management (`CWProperty`) * dictionary `data` to store data to share informations between components *while a request is executed* Please note that this class is abstract and that a concrete implementation will be provided by the *frontend* web used. For the views or others that are executed on the server side, most of the interface of `Request` is defined in the session associated to the client. API ``` The elements we gave in overview for above are built in three layers, from ``cubicweb.req.RequestSessionBase``, ``cubicweb.repoapi.Connection`` and ``cubicweb_web.ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase``. .. autoclass:: cubicweb.req.RequestSessionBase :members: .. autoclass:: cubicweb.repoapi.Connection :members: .. autoclass:: cubicweb_web.request.ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase :members: