.. include:: warning.rst .. _controllers: Controllers ----------- Overview ++++++++ Controllers are responsible for taking action upon user requests (loosely following the terminology of the MVC meta pattern). The following controllers are provided out-of-the box in CubicWeb. We list them by category. They are all defined in (:mod:`cubicweb_web.views.basecontrollers`). `Browsing`: * the View controller is associated with most browsing actions within a CubicWeb application: it always instantiates a :ref:`the_main_template_layout` and lets the ResultSet/Views dispatch system build up the whole content; it handles :exc:`ObjectNotFound` and :exc:`NoSelectableObject` errors that may bubble up to its entry point, in an end-user-friendly way (but other programming errors will slip through) * the JSonpController is a wrapper around the ``ViewController`` that provides jsonp_ services. Padding can be specified with the ``callback`` request parameter. Only *jsonexport* / *ejsonexport* views can be used. If another ``vid`` is specified, it will be ignored and replaced by *jsonexport*. Request is anonymized to avoid returning sensitive data and reduce the risks of CSRF attacks; * the Login/Logout controllers make effective user login or logout requests .. _jsonp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP `Edition`: * the Edit controller (see :ref:`edit_controller`) handles CRUD operations in response to a form being submitted; it works in close association with the Forms, to which it delegates some of the work * the ``Form validator controller`` provides form validation from Ajax context, using the Edit controller, to implement the classic form handling loop (user edits, hits `submit/apply`, validation occurs server-side by way of the Form validator controller, and the UI is decorated with failure information, either global or per-field , until it is valid) `Other`: * the ``SendMail controller`` (web/views/basecontrollers.py) is reponsible for outgoing email notifications * the MailBugReport controller (web/views/basecontrollers.py) allows to quickly have a `reportbug` feature in one's application * the :class:`cubicweb_web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxController` (:mod:`cubicweb_web.views.ajaxcontroller`) provides services for Ajax calls, typically using JSON as a serialization format for input, and sometimes using either JSON or XML for output. See :ref:`ajax` chapter for more information. Registration ++++++++++++ All controllers (should) live in the 'controllers' namespace within the global registry. Concrete controllers ++++++++++++++++++++ Most API details should be resolved by source code inspection, as the various controllers have differing goals. See for instance the :ref:`edit_controller` chapter. :mod:`cubicweb_web.controller` contains the top-level abstract Controller class and its unimplemented entry point `publish(rset=None)` method. A handful of helpers are also provided there: * process_rql builds a result set from an rql query typically issued from the browser (and available through _cw.form['rql']) * validate_cache will force cache validation handling with respect to the HTTP Cache directives (that were typically originally issued from a previous server -> client response); concrete Controller implementations dealing with HTTP (thus, for instance, not the SendMail controller) may very well call this in their publication process.